Thursday, December 30, 2010

Driving Tigger

I don't drive very often. In fact, I generally only drive when I'm moving house or in Oxfordshire and with access to a car I'm insured on. Which is how I ended up driving tonight. I drove home last night as well but due to the joys of mist the feeling I got this night was simply absent yesterday.

And the feeling I got tonight? Well, it was that feeling of freedom and a slight “Well, what's stopping me from going to South Wales?” sense. The sense that there should be someone out there I could just drive to and surprise – but that right now there isn't. Memories of other late night journeys. And wondering when the dark got quite so dark. Because it really has seemed dark on the roads these past few nights. Odd feeling. Very odd.

Lovely evening with friends, however.

And there was a particular item of noteworthyness that was supposed to be inserted at this point. But my sleep addled brain forgets what it was. Hey ho.

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