Saturday, November 6, 2010

Often it's the Small Things

Merry Morecambe again - hurrah. I really must remember that when getting to my weekend location I should just write off Friday night - yesterday was a particularly prime example of this. I was exhausted. Hungry. And travelling. However, having made it to my destination, had some food and just *arrived* life felt immensely better - and waking up this morning in the location I most like to be in was definitely worth the slightly-grotty feeling I subjected myself to on the train.

And the internet seems to have fixed itself, which is always a bonus.

Glorious sunshine met me this morning and as I wandered out into the world it was positively balmy (for November). A slow expedition into town resulted in various little purchases including new clothes, new boots and the ingredients for "bread-roll pizza" (like baguette pizza...but on bread rolls). It did not, however, result in me finding some pyjama bottoms which was one of the main reasons for the shopping trip (or, indeed, cheap coconut milk) but having got home I've discovered some fabric which should be up to the job and I think a little sewing session this afternoon is pretty much exactly what the doctor ordered. (Not that there's a doctor or any ordering going on, but the point stands).

I also verified that the tide today is higher than I've ever seen it - it looked higher than usual as I wandered along the prom into town (did I mention the glorious sunshine?) and on heading down the Serengeti (or Stone Jetty, depending whether you're me & my parents or the rest of the world) the bottom "offshoots" were partially submerged and the water was only a foot or two from the platform at the very bottom of the jetty. Clearly I have still got lots to learn about the tides here! Having found myself a bench down there a spot of sunshiney reading was in order before continuing my wander around.

I also did something I've never done before just as I was wrapping up the shopping trip - but more on that at another time.

There really isn't anything quite like pottering around in a comfortable environment - top marks, Morecambe!