Saturday, February 19, 2011

Domestic Day

Today was entirely unplanned. Anything could have happened. And of the things that were supposed to happen, two did and one didn't. Not a great statistic but, equally, not awful. And what it ended up being was a day of utter domesticity. I got up, did some washing, decluttered my kitchen (don't get me wrong - there's still plenty of stuff in it I've just cleared some of the surfaces of stuff that had been lurking for far too long) and made crafty things - including a cutlery tidy for the back of a cupboard door.

This is actually quite an achievement - my kitchen doesn't have any drawers and so since I moved in all my cutlery has been in a cutlery tray on one of the surfaces. Not ideal by any stretch of the imagination and I hadn't worked out what to do with it - until today. Why I hadn't thought of this before I have no idea - sometimes ideas just take time to ruminate before the lightbulb eureka moment of - ah ha! THIS is what needs to happen. And when those moments do happen, it's a good day.

Not much enjoyment of the sea - it's been overcast all day and pretty cool to boot. I did walk along the prom a bit this afternoon and then again when I'd been out to collect Marlen & Larissa (two couch surfers who are staying with me tonight) from the train station but I do long for the beautiful sunshine and long light evenings. They will come in time. But overall a successful day - post has been sent, stuff has been done and the evening remains full of possibilities (mainly including food and conversation with Marlen and Larissa, methinks).

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