Sunday, October 2, 2011

The House That Just Keeps Giving

Having been plotting a blog post all day yesterday (and never quite getting to it) this morning I woke up and decided that the only answer to everything (at that particular moment) was to move my sewing gear from the rather dark, although very big, room downstairs up to my attic room. On several occasions I've thought about bringing sewing up here, if only because there's LOADS of light courtesy of the 2 veluxes. But this morning it all became clear that although this is my bedroom, it could also do a very good job of being a sewing room.

Some time later I found myself downstairs getting some breakfast and starting the move upstairs of the first critical items for trying out my sewing-room-in-the-attic theory (sewing machine, sewing box, dress makers dummy). I also grabbed a couple of items I thought I might work on today and pulled down what I thought was a full-length dress I'd been thinking of turning into a skirt. Ha! Nope, this was a cocktail dress. That fits perfectly. And has now become my outfit for an imminent wedding. This house has always provided a lot, the phrase "came with the house" being commonly used, but when my house provides waiting places for things which I know I brought in so they can be there at the perfect moment, well, it's just ace. Outfit problem: solved. Fabric store: not quite as overflowing as it was before. Tigger: happy.

Yesterday was an awesome day. I did very little but did manage to spend a large chunk of time wandering around in the sunshine and then down on the beach enjoying the sun and going for a bit of a soak in the sea (I can't call it swimming - I really was just floating around rather than anything as active as swiming!) I still love my usual spot but the tides are incredibly high at the moment which means there isn't any sand which doesn't get soaked twice a day. It's also a rubbish place to go for a swim from as the water stays very shallow. So I thought I'd try the bit of beach just to the south of the car park at the Battery - and it was perfect! I was surprised by how high the tide ended up coming before beginning to recede but it did mean that, navigating submerged rocks aside, there was a decent amount of water to float around in very close to where I'd left my stuff. Brilliant.

There was a group next to me (I think it comprised three generations of one family plus a couple of friends), with a girl of about 10 who proclaimed "This is the best day ever!" - and I had to agree with her. They were also rather surprised by the height the tide rose to and I ended up rescuing a couple of plastic sand-toys which had started to float off into the bay. I also managed to stumble on aforementioned submerged rocks while giving them back to them - but even that was great in a weird way. I've got the first graze on my knee that I've had for about 20 years! (it's in the classic "fall over and graze your knee" position of being a small-by which I mean under 10- person) Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.

I'm also BEGINNING to feel more human - along with sleeping and pottering, yesterday involved 2 baths and a soak in the sea and I'm now feeling up to doing more useful things (like sewing and trogging things up the stairs). Even the weather is co-ordinating itself with my mood - it's rainy today but still very mild meaning lurking on the beach isn't really an option but enjoying the brightness of my attic room is. Fantastico. And with that - to the sewing machine!