Thursday, March 31, 2011

New kitchen, new cooking!

So, it would seem getting a new kitchen and new kitchen implements results in a complete new way of cooking! New Hafilax flat with it's unloved-to-start-with-but-now-seem-to-be-doing-OK hobs plus lots of kitcheny stuff from my mate Chris is now bringing forth lentiley delights with creamed coconut (the can said coconut milk, the stuff inside is a paste. But boy, do I like it) from The Wok Of Joy. Basically, I now get to cook the “staple” in a normal pan then fling it in The Wok Of Joy for some flavouring. Today started with accidentally putting in cinnamon when I thought I was putting in tumeric, and then I ended up throwing in some ginger too. Tee hee!

I ALSO may have netted myself a new tenant – fourth through the door but definitely my favourite so far. All four through the door have been working at the local banking HQ, all on three month contracts and all pleasant enough although the first one who said he definitely wanted the room was not an option for me. It's hard to say why but there are just some people who I don't want to have living in my house or seeing me trug around first thing in the morning / last thing at night. Looks like I may have to give in to the internet revolution tho' as the guy moving in is an IT consultant (where've I met those before?) and could really do with broadband for work. Ah well, there are worse things that could happen. And because they're worse I won't dwell on them. [Update: no word from said prospective tenant who was going to confirm either way today...I may have spoken too soon! We shall see...]

Oh, how full of food from The Wok Of Joy I am. Possibly slightly too full, but that's OK too. Tomorrow I get sofa-age and bed-age arriving and if all goes according to plan tenant-age too. But right now I've an appointment with Ms Adie and her autobiography (which is awfully good).

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Good Old Fashioned Body Connection

...or “How to stop a Tigger in her tracks in a really good way”. I've just been to the sauna. It was ace. I lay down. I got hot. I drank water. I went for a swim. I drank some more water. I got hot again. I had a lovely shower (hallelujah! I love my flat but I'll love it more when the central heating and hot water works). I drank some more water. And I walked home EVER so slo-o-o-o-owly. Not like a Tigger walks normally, at all!

There's a real sense of healthyness about my move to Halifax. I can see myself getting membership at the pool and building in sauna time regularly. I walk up and down hills (not big hills, and not far, but further than I was walking). I have more “thinking space” which isn't in front of a computer and is “in transit” (my favour type of thinking type). I'm in bed super early and I'm absolutely OK with it. I'm going at my speed, in my way, with my things. And it's ace.

It has to be said, tho', that, having not brought flip flops with me to the pool, tromping from the sauna suite to the pool in my black boots and carrying my towel was a little surreal. I was a little surprised by the number of people who seemed to be watching as I had my swim and then headed back to the sauna suite and it was only when I had my shower that I realised both how red my skin had got and also how many bruises I'm sporting at the moment! Having bruised easily since childhood and with a high pain threshold it really doesn't bother me but I'll always remember the cries I got in the changing room at secondary school when I had a bruise the size of a side plate on my hip which I simply hadn't noticed...until the squeals from my friends.

But yes, Halifax: ace. Sauna: ace. Sleepy-tiredy-body-connection: ace.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

CLEARLY the world revolves around me...

It has become apparent in the past two days that my mental state is so phenomenally powerful that it actually affects the weather. Crazy, but true! Yesterday, the day of The Big Move (which wasn't particularly big, but felt somewhat momentous) was beautifully sunny and warm. Today, the day of The Big Fuzzy Brain it felt like the whole of the Calder Valley spent the day in a fuzzy cloud (I think it felt like that because it actually was in the midst of a fuzzy cloud) and I found myself going soooooooo much slower than is usual. I wonder what tomorrow holds!

My new flat in Halifax is ace. Super super ace. Even the fact that the heating and hot water don't work yet, that I don't have a sofa and the corridor floor slopes, that the hob is supremely slow and doesn't seem to understand that the highest setting should be Pretty Darned Hot – even all those things, and I still love this flat. And I even love it to myself. I feel like I should get a lodger, and the second bedroom is being left available to turn into a lodger room but perhaps I'll have a guest bedroom. Who knows. Either way, it really needs a bed to be a bedroom... ;)

But the big thing right now is curling up in bed with a hot water bottle, a good book and having a well deserved sleep. I slept through last night but woke quite early and I think didn't sleep as well as I could have. Tonight, however, will be night number two and for that it will be night number one for marvellous sleeping. I've decided, see...